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Today's the Day

Today's the day we announce to the company I've helped to build for the last six and a half years that I'm leaving. It's bittersweet, of course. There have been ups and downs, but through it all, this place has been where I've cut my teeth being a manager and mentor. It's helped me understand that creating value is the most important part of being employed.

When I started at the company in 2016, I was their first full-time Customer Support person. The co-founder and CTO at the time, Nathaniel, told me he wanted two of three pillars for the role: someone who could read code, someone who could do great customer support, someone who could lead people. Even though I had done some website design work, I'd never considered myself anywhere near a coder, so the first pillar scared me. But after a 90-minute phone call (that was supposed to be 30), we decided I was the right person for the job.

Building their nascent Support team, and then the Success team, was a huge learning and growth experience for me. Customer-centrism was something I cared very much about, and it was exciting to build a feedback flow back into the product. I moved into Business Operations after a month sabbatical in February 2020 - the irony. I thought I needed a break before the pandemic. Ha.

BizOps was a generalist's playground. Getting a European office started, renewing our cyber-liability insurance, managing projects, creating a vendor management process, directing an IT department, and a ton more. It was always a bit difficult because resources were scarce, but I know I made an impact and I'm proud of the work that I've done over my time there.

Over the next few weeks, I will scale down my time and ramp up working on my condo to prepare it to be rented out. Shiro and I will get ready to hit the road in High King Margo and share our new adventure with anyone who wants to come along for the ride.

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